The main goal of any website is to receive as much traffic as possible from potential customers, and one way to do this is through ensuring your site appears on the first page of Google search results for relevant keywords.

Let’s be Realistic

Realistically, it is very difficult for a new site to appear on the first page of almost any Google search results. This is because the Google algorithm is very competitive, and you’ll be competing against some websites that bring out all the stops.

What You Can Do

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to push your page up the ranks.

  • Long-Tail Keywords- It’s much easier to rank for long-tail keywords than for short, popular ones. For example, it would be far easier to rank for “Healthy Dog Biscuits for Small Dogs”, than simply “Dog Biscuits”. So get specific when it comes to the keywords you want to rank for.
  • Heaps of Content- The more content you have, the more potential keywords you can rank for. You don’t want to overload your website with content, so one good way to add text is through weekly blogs.
  • Use Adwords- Adwords does cost a bit of money if you want to see results, but if you make smart choices regarding which keywords to pay for, Adwords can yield fast results.
  • Reviews and Social Media- Having reviews and links to your social media confirm you as a trustworthy site on the Google algorithm, and give you a better chance of ranking higher.
  • Hire a Professional- Hire a professional content writer and digital marketer to fully optimise your site and employ some SEO strategies.

It’s important to remember that it can take months for strategies to really start working so patience is vital when waiting for your site to appear on the first page.

Want your site to appear higher up in Google’s search results? You may benefit from Website Brother’s services! We are keyword specialists and can help take your website to the next level when it comes to site optimisation.